The Maiden Voyages of Clara Adams

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Track Listing

  1. Introduction (2:05)
  2. First Flight, March, 1914 (4:06)
  3. The Building and Flight of the Hindenburg (5:00)
  4. Delag- The World's First Airline, 1919 (2:15)
  5. LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin (3:25)
  6. DO-X Flying Boat from Rio Janeiro to New York, 1931 (4:05)
  7. The 1939 Round-the-World Flight (7:07)

Liner Notes

Production Credits

United Media Productions Presents

A Kitty Hawk Transatlantic Production

Inspired by Inspired from the Great Airship Maiden Voyages of the 1920's, 30's and 40's

Front Cover Art by Tunecore, Brooklyn, New York

Recorded at UMP Studios, September, 2011

Music Composed, Orchestrated, Performed and Produced by

Casey Winn

©2011 United Media Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.