Color of The Sea

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Track Listing

1. Prelude (3:37)

Part One

2. Snow Dance (2:18) Cello Solo No. 1

3. Bamboo May (2:04)

4. Butterflies (2:26)

5. Scrubber (2:00)

6. Pig Gun October (1:34)

7. Sayonara December 1938 (1:44)

Part Two

8. Japanese American Girl (2:07)

9. Obon July (1:21) Cello Solo No. 2

10. Love Secret (2:21)

11. Samurai Jitterbug (2:28)

12. Two Dreams (3:15) Violin Solo No. 1

13. Touched (1:53) Cello Solo No. 3

14. Streamer and Doves (2:47)

Part Three (Entr'acte)

15. Misa, June, 1940 (1:50)

16. Fireflies and Hollow August, 1940 (2:54) Violin solo No. 2

17. Two San's and Ki May, 1941 (2:45) Cello Solo No. 4

18. Lightning, Wind and Fireworks (2:41)

19. Tanabata (1:45)

20. Kempeitai July (1:42)

21. A Kiss for Uncle Nobutaro (2:44) Violin Solo No. 3

22. Home, 1941 (1:09)

23. Lucky Seven (2:08) Violin Solo No. 4

Part Four

24. Japs Sunday December 7, 1941 (3:06)

25. Running the Course (1:31)

26. Bowstrings (2:03) Violin and Cello Duet

27. Okinawa, July, 1945 (1:42)

28. Honor, 1945 (1:32)

29. Test and Manuscript (1:53)

Part Five

30. Bunji's Ashes (2:02)

31. Flash August (2:09) Cello solo No. 5

32. Atonement and Letter (2:23)

33. Honura December and Survivors, 1946 (3:24)

34. Epilogue: Torii, June 1947 (1:39)

Liner Notes

Synopsis for the Color the Sea

Coming of age in the 1930s and 40s, Sam, a Kibei, feels the pull of his native homeland, the lure of the ancient martial arts training that has shaped his character, and the mother and siblings he left back home in Japan. But his adolescence in Hawaii and young adulthood in California have also given him a taste for American life, most notably in the personification of Keiko, a Japanese girl whose honesty and innocent love astound him.

Sam and Keiko's relationship is torn apart when she and her family are sent to Japan and he is drafted into the US. Army. Sam struggles to maintain his sense of identity and soon follows Keiko to the Japan where the witness Hiroshima and other tragic events of the times. Can he be a samurai warrior and an American patriot at the same time? Does he have the courage to fight a war and return with a heart still open to love?

Composer's Notes

The idea of using an Asian theme for a music project has really been in progress for over five years. In 2002 shortly after I completed “A.I.: Supertoys Last All Summer Long”, I had several projects in mind and a Japanese/American story was defiantly on the top list-do projects but I decided to postpone until I found the proper subject matter to work with. At the moment I didn’t realize it would be 5 years later before I would actually start working on it. After completing my previous album “Metamorpho” I knew then the time was ripe to start working on my Japanese project. From mid December to about mid January 2007 I researched various novels and stories. First I had the idea of a ancient Japanese fairy tale but none really inspired me musically. I even had a serious thought of doing the famous “The Tale of Genji, the 11th century Japanese classic but decided it was too complex to deal with. After considering one or two other ones I finally found John Hamamura’s 2006 novel “Color of the Sea”. His chapter titles immediately intrigued me. Merely reading about the book and seeing John’s chapter titles was enough to inspire me to do a score. The Process was challenging of course but the subject matter was just what I was looking for. I knew early on the score would call for rich orchestral colors with various violin and cello solos throughout. Again, John’s chapter titles really stirred my musical imagination to give it its epic, diverse and expansive length of nearly 80 minutes.





「アジア」をテーマにしたこの音楽プロジェクトには、過去5年を構想に費やしました。2002年、「A.I.: Supertoys Last All Summer Long」が完成の後、新しいプロジェクトのアイディアはいくつかあって、中でも日系アメリカ人の物語はトップリストに挙がっていました。しかし、その時は然るべき題材にめぐり合っておらず、その時期が来るまでじっと待つことに決心したのです。当時は、実際に作業にかかるまでまさか5年もかかるとは思いもよりませんでした。そして、前作のアルバム「Metamorpho」の完成直後、とうとう日本をテーマにしたプロジェクトに取り掛かる時期が来たことが分かったのです。2006年12月中旬から翌年1月中旬にかけて、さまざまな小説や物語をリサーチしました。当初、私は古代日本のおとぎ話を題材にと考えていましたが、残念ながら音楽的に刺激されるものに出会えませんでした。11世紀の古典「源氏物語」を取り上げることも真剣に考えたのですが、複雑すぎる物語は今回のプロジェクトには適さないと判断しました。その他いくつかの候補を経てジョン・ハマムラ著「海の色」(原題 “Color of the Sea”)(2006年出版)に出会ったのです。そして、中の章題にすぐさま興味を惹かれました。その小説について書かれた記事を読み、章題を見ただけで、私の創作意欲をかき立てるのに十分でした。もちろん、作曲の工程は難しくやりがいのある作業でしたが、題材そのものはまさしく私が求めていたものでした。バイオリンやチェロのソロが彩る豊かなオーケストラの音色が楽譜に必要なことは、早い段階から考えていました。繰り返しになりますが、著者の章題がまさしく私の音楽のイマジネーションを刺激し、壮大な80分の作品に仕上げることができました。

Production Credits

United Media Productions, Ltd.
A Yokohama-East Asia Pacific Production
Color of the Sea

Inspired by the novel by
John Hamamura

Recorded at UMP Studios, August 26th & 27th 2007, Austin, Texas USA

Mastered at Barnstormers Studio, September 4th, Austin by
Bruce Newman

Art Direction and Graphic Design by
Brian Williams

Japanese Translations by
Saito Shizuka

Associate Producers
Barbara Ann Green and Michael Kintz

Digital Equipment by Sony

A & R Coordinator
Chad Canadey

Composed, Orchestrated, Engineered, Performed and Produced by
Casey Winn