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Track Listing

  1. Prelude - The Year 3120 - The Discovery of The Pulsar (Feat. Kate Walsh) (5:14)
  2. Reign in Judea, 37 BC Part 1 (5:07)
  3. The Phoenix Nebula (3:40)
  4. The Monolithic Marker Part 1 (3:15)
  5. The First Pulsar (3:40)
  6. The Second Pulsar (4:04)
  7. Reign in Judea, 37 BC Part 2 (3:26)
  8. 3,000 Light Years from Earth (4:57)
  9. The Star of Bethlehem (3:49)
  10. The Monolithic Marker Part 2 (5:27)
  11. The Star Ship Magellan (4:44)
  12. Reign in Judea, 4th Century BC Part 3 (5:13)
  13. The Star Prophecies (4:48)
  14. The Final Pulsar, 4th Century BC- The Christ Child is born (6:37)

Liner Notes

Inspired from a Short Story "The Star" by Aurthur C. Clarke

Production Credits

United Media Productions Presents

A Burton Hill Road Studio Production

Music By Casey Winn

Inspired from a Short Story "The Star" by Aurthur C. Clarke

Narration Introduction by Kate Walsh

Art Direction & Graphic Design by Jay Nungesser/Big Blur Design

Music Recorded at UMP Studios, December, 2017 Fort Worth, TX USA

Narration Recorded in London, England

Mastered by Patrick McGuire/Patrick McGuire Recording, Inc. Arlington, TX

Composed, Orchestrated, Performed, Engineered and Produced by Casey Winn

Copyright © 2017 United Media Productions