A Tango in Venice

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Track Listing

  1. Exposition-The Meeting (3:09)
  2. The Tango (4:30)
  3. The Waltz (3:28)
  4. Walking By The Waters (2:50)
  5. A Mediterranean Holiday (4:00)
  6. Lambada (3:57)
  7. Dinner On The Train (4:16)
  8. A Weekend in Barcelona (5:28)
  9. Reprise-Transfiguration (4:47)

Liner Notes

Ideas for the work go back as early as December, 1990 shortly after finishing the soundtrack project for “Mimesis 90”. The actual start began in the spring of 1991. Throughout an intense and contemplated period, including a creative slump, “A Tango in Venice” finally reached its completion in March, 1992.

“The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals”, wrote Shakespeare, a sentiment that seems to echo throughout this love story which has both romantic and symbolic meanings. The man, the woman and Venice are all elements of symbolism for the love of the earth and humanity. While Venice remains one of the most beautiful and romantic cites on earth, it is sinking and seems uncertain of its existence in years to come. Meanwhile, a beautiful thing happens here when two people from different continents meet and discover a passionate and loving world but knowing there is an end. This particular story, however, has no ending but a development into the next level of life and finding inner peace.

CASEY WINN, American Composer, born, 1966. Utilizing electronic instrumentation, has produced a list of previous works: Main Roads(1989), The Odyssey(1989), Rhinelander (1990), A Christmas Overture(1991). A variety of small recordings and the Symphony No. 1 “North Atlantic”(1984) for Symphony Orchestra and Women’s Chorus.

Self-Taught composer, started off traditionally writing piano and string works including his symphony. Began composing electronic works in 1985 and 1989 started U.M.P. Studios (United Media Productions, Ltd.), an electronic instrumental studio in his home.

Production Credits

United Media Productions, Ltd.
A Tango in Venice

Recorded at UMP Studios, March, 1992, Cincinnati, USA

William N. Greer (Venice, Italy, Fall, 1970)

Reproduction and Processing:
Elder Photographics, Inc. / Laura Beth Dunn

Typeset, Layout and Graphics:
Wayne Sulken & Jim Schimdt
Minuteman Press Downtown & Designer Type

Special Thanks to:
Joy, Bill and Julianna, Linda Hanselmann, Richard Osborne and Phillip Ramey

Re-orchestrated and re-mastered at UMP Studios, April, 2006, Austin, TX.

©1992 United Media Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.