Watership Down

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Track Listing

    Part I. Narrator (Kate Walsh)
  1. The Notice Board Overture (2:54)
  2. Hazel's Decision (1:58)
  3. The Departure (2:45)
  4. In the Woods (2:30)
  5. The Story of the Blessing of El-ahrairah (3:00)
  6. The Lendri and the River (2:16)
  7. The Crossing (2:15)
  8. The Crow and the Beanfield (2:02)
  9. The Road and the Common (2:32)
  10. Hard Going (2:15)
  11. The Stranger in the Field (2:08)
  12. Hospitality (2:08)
  13. Like Trees in November (2:34)
  14. The Story of the King's Lettuce (2:59)
  15. Silverweed (2:19)
  16. The Shining Wire (2:07)
  17. Part II: On Watership Down
  18. On Watership Down but Fear in the Dark ! (1:56)
  19. A Honeycomb and a Mouse ( 3:00)
  20. For El-ahrairah to Cry (2:53)
  21. The Story of the Trial of El-ahrairah (3:06)
  22. Kehaar (1:50)
  23. Nuthanger Farm (3:28)
  24. The Raid (2:52)
  25. Fiver Beyond (3:28)
  26. "You Can't Imagine it Unless You've Been There (violin solo) (2:00)
  27. At the Foot of the Hill (1:23)
  28. Return and Departure (2:14)
  29. Part III: Efrafa
  30. A New Journey (1:28)
  31. The Story of El-ahrairah and the Black Rabbit of Inle (2:52)
  32. Across the Iron Road (2:40)
  33. The Great River (2:26)
  34. General Woundwort (2:20)
  35. Groping (1:26)
  36. Approaching Thunder Builds Up and Breaks (2:15)
  37. Part IV: Hazel-rah
  38. The Bridges (violin solo) (3:00)
  39. The Way Back (2:11)
  40. The Story of Rowby Woof and the Fairy Wogdog (2:14)
  41. News at Sunset (1:52)
  42. The Great Patrol (2:00)
  43. A Message from El-ahrairah (1:35)
  44. Nuthanger Farm Again (2:24)
  45. Bigwig Stands His Ground (1:10)
  46. The Sky Suspended (1:48)
  47. Dea ex Machina (1:47)
  48. And at Last Hazel Comes Home (2:40)

Liner Notes

Inspired from the Classic Adventure Novel by Richard Adams

Production Credits

Production Credits:

United Media Productions Presents

A Sandleford Warren/UK International Production

Watership Down

Music By Casey Winn

Inspired from the Classic Adventure Novel by Richard Adams

Narration Introduction by Kate Walsh

Art Direction & Graphic Design by Jay Nungesser/Big Blur Design

Mastered by Patrick McGuire/Patrick McGuire Recording, Inc. Arlington, TX

Music Recorded at UMP Studios, November, 2016 USA

Narration Recorded in London, England, November, 2016

An Original Music Score Composed, Orchestrated, Performed, Engineered and Produced by Casey Winn

Music Published by Catapult Music Distribution, Dallas, TX

Copyright © 2016 United Media Productions